Artificial Intelligence


Artificial intelligence (AI, also machine intelligence, MI) is intelligence demonstrated by machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence (NI) displayed by humans and other animals. In computer science AI research is defined as the study of "intelligent agents": any device that perceives its environment and takes actions that maximize its chance of successfully achieving its goals.[1] Colloquially, the term "artificial intelligence" is applied when a machine mimics "cognitive" functions that humans associate with other human minds, such as "learning" and "problem solving".

The success of AI is largely due to the fact that we are building an AI-friendly environment,in which smart technologies find themselves at home and we are more like scuba divers .It is the world that is adapting to AI not vice versa .
In industrial robotics ,the three dimensional space that defines the boundaries within which a robot can work successfully is defined as the robot's envelope .We do not build droids like Star Wars ' C3PO to wash dishes in the sink exactly in the same way as we would .We envelop environments around simple robots to fit and exploit their limited capacities and still deliver the desired output.A dishwasher accomplishes its task because its task because its environment is structured ("enveloped") around its simple capacities. The same applies to Amazon's robotic shelves,for example ,It is the environment that is designed to be robot friendly. Driverless cars will become a commodity the day we can envelop the environment around them.


Pushing the envelope

Enveloping used to be either a stand-alone phenomenon or implemented within the walls of industrial buildings,carefully tailored around their artificial inhabitants .Nowadays, enveloping the environment into an AI-friendly infosphere has started to pervade all aspects of reality and is visible daily everywhere in the house,in the office and in the street .Indeed, we have been enveloping the world around digital technologies for decades without fully realising it.In such an AI- friendly infosphere we are regularly asked to prove that we are humans by clicking on so-
called CAPTCHA (The Completely Automated Public Turing Test to tell Computers and Humans Apart).
Sometimes it is a simple box reading stating "I'm not a robot".Software programs cannot click on it because they do not understand the message.Everyday there are more humans online ,more documents ,more tools,more devices that communicate with each other , more sensors ,more RFID tags , more satellites , more actuators  ,more data:in a word more enveloping .And more jobs and activities are becoming digital in nature :playing, educating , entertaining , dating,meeting , fighting ,caring ,gossiping ,advertising .W do all this and more in an enveloped infosphere where we are more analogue guests than digital hosts .This is good news for the future of AI and smart technologies in general.They will be exponentially more useful and successful with every step we take in the expansion oof the infosphere .After all , they are the real digital natives ,However ,enveloping the world is a process that raises significant problems.Some ,like the digital divide ,are well known and  obvious others are more subtle.
Smart technologies are better at accomplishing tasks ,but this should not be confused with being better at thinking .AlphaGo , a computer program developed by google deep mind , won the board game Go against Lee Sedol , the world's best player ,because it could use a database of around 30 million moves and play thousands of games against itself ,"learning" each time a bit more about how to improve its performance .
Yet think for a moment what would have happened fire alarm had gone off  match :Sedol would have immediately stopped and walked away ,while AlphaGo would have been calculating the next move in the game.
So,what's the difference?The same as between you and the dish washer when washing the dishes . What's the consequence ? That any apocalyptic vision of AI can be disregarded. The serious risk is not the appearance of some ultra intelligence, but that we may misuse our digital technologies , to the detriment of a large percentage of humanity and the whole planet. 


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